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You deserve the best treatment
The human right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
The 1946 Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO)
An Epidemic
Millions of people around the world can't absorb B12 through the gut because of pernicious anemia.
A Simple Treatment
The only way for PA patients to absorb B12 is through injections straight to the bloodstream.
Without lifelong B12 shots, patients deteriorate to a point of serious nerve damage and eventual death.
Lack of Knowledge
Sadly, most doctors lack the knowledge to diagnose this disease in the first place, let alone treat it.
The Scandal
As a result, patients all around the world are being denied access to the B12 shots that they need so bad.
We Got Your Back
We are committed to raise awareness of pernicious anemia and source high quality, inejctable B12 for patients.
Do You Need B12 Shots?
We created PA Relief to educate people about the lethal, subtle nature of pernicious anemia, and to give patients a chance for optimal treatment by giving them access to as many B12 shots as they need.
Learn About TreatmentOur readers self-inject regularly with great relief:
Apparently here in the USA the corrupt pharmaceutical industry has made the pure B12 illegal and the only thing they offer is the synthetic B12 that your body must work harder to convert. I just stumbled on this site and the wealth of information you offer is a blessing. Thank you with all my heart for the educational information and offering the good vitamin B12.Kelley Danette
I’ve been injecting Methylcobalamin now for about 5 weeks and have had a dramatic improvement in what I thought was chronic fatigue and memory/focus issues. I’ve enjoyed your site and am sharing it with anyone that will listen. Thanks.George Shelley
So relieved and grateful your service exists! Finally a place where I can buy B12 injections online. I’ve received the order, I’m glad it got through customs, because I was worried about that. I’ve managed to find a sterile saline solution and started b12 supplementation. I already feel a lot more like myself. I’ve basically come alive again. Thank you so much!Juan Gutierrez
At a certain point, I believe we have to decide about whether or not to take charge of our own health. I know many people who go to their doctor and ask about B12 only to be shunned or at best given a once every 2-week shot of Cyanocobalamin. If you ask about Methylcobalamin it is likely your doc will not recommend it because it is not the treatment protocol he was taught or it is not a treatment specified by his or her local health authority. The articles on B12 by Regev Elya are excellent. Don’t assume that what your doctor says as 100% truth. You are not being lied to, it’s just that they may not be aware of all the facts. If you think you may be B12 deficient it is my personal opinion that you have nothing to lose by trying it. The website has links to where you can buy it. You may be doing yourself a huge favor by trying it. I did and it changed my life. Anonymous
Hello Regev, Thank you for your excellent site and product. I have megaloblastic anemia, and have been trying different sublingual tablets in different doses. The methyl-B12 helps, the Adenosyl-B12 also helps, but I think I have been just holding still at best. I have been to 3 doctors, NDs all, who won’t give B12 shots. My opinion of doctors is very low right now, since I feel they have given me a long and drawn out death sentence. And then I found your site. Thank you very much, Michele.Michele Galvin
Just wanted to say that my wife is doing very well on the Methylcobalamin we bought from you. She’d been on hydroxocobalamin for some years now because of chronic fatigue but since the brand she was taking became unavailable and she had to switch to Neo B12 they were giving her migraines and somehow their effectiveness was also not as desired. Thank you for providing this product. My wife has not had another migraine since she started on Methylcobalamin. We are re-ordering so that we’ll have spare which we’ll leave in powder form until we are ready to use it as you suggest.Warm Regards, Mark.Mark Schembri

My name is Regev Elya, author of The B12 Deficiency Survival Handbook and founder of Pernicious Anemia Relief.
Since publishing my book, I've received countless emails from patients denied B12 shots and unable to find treatment elsewhere. Health care systems worldwide are failing PA patients every day, which led to the birth of our operation. Please share this resource to help drive a complete overhaul in PA treatment. It's almost certain someone in your circle has an undiagnosed pernicious anemia.
What Is Pernicious Anemia?
Pernicious anemia, a fatal disease until 1926, is an autoimmune disorder that prevents you from absorbing B12 through the stomach. The discovery of a treatment (B12) earned Drs. Minot and Murphy a Nobel prize.
Vitamin B12 injections have made this disease extremely easy to treat. However, even though we live in times of unrivaled medical progress, PA patients are being totally neglected.
The main protest of PA patients surrounds not only the quality, but also the frequency of their treatment. Despite the wealthy research regarding B12 and PA, doctors will often refuse to prescribe more than one shot every few months.
That is very dangerous, and may lead to permanent nerve damage. PA patients need shots every day. We're all working to raise awareness and make treatment more robust.
Read The Science