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This page allows you to quickly reorder without having to scroll through the entire B12 product page again. The next four options are our main packages. Below, you’ll also find options to order in bulk, sign up for an automatic monthly supply, or order saline.
The four options below are a one-off purchase, NOT a subscription:
1 B12 Vial (1 Month)
The vial contains 40 mg of B12, to which you’ll add 10 ml of saline and inject with insulin syringes. $129- In stock
- 100% Pure Methylcobalamin
- Sterility & Potency Tested
- 1 Month of Daily Shots

3 B12 Vials (3 Months)
Each vial contains 40 mg of B12, to which you’ll add 10 ml of saline and inject with insulin syringes. $349- In stock
- Normally
$387– 10% Off - 100% Pure Methylcobalamin
- Sterility & Potency Tested
- 3 Months of Daily Shots

6 B12 Vials (6 Months)
Each vial contains 40 mg of B12, to which you’ll add 10 ml of saline and inject with insulin syringes. $659- In stock
- Normally
$774– 15% Off - 100% Pure Methylcobalamin
- Sterility & Potency Tested
- 6 Months of Daily Shots

12 B12 Vials (12 Months)
Each vial contains 40 mg of B12, to which you’ll add 10 ml of saline and inject with insulin syringes. $1,239- In stock
- Normally
$1,548– 20% Off - 100% Pure Methylcobalamin
- Sterility & Potency Tested
- 12 Months of Daily Shots

Contact us if you need any help.