In most countries, you need a prescription for B12 injections. This limitation places considerable stress on patients with diseases such as pernicious anemia, which require the use of B12 shots on a regular basis. Sadly, many doctors lack the knowledge to treat these diseases properly. Patients are being denied access to the B12 shots that they badly need, and as a result they develop serious nerve damage.
That’s why a UK petition is urging the House of Commons to request the government to declassify injectable B12 as Prescription Only Medicine. It’s the same issue we ourselves were trying to solve, until we found a way to order injectable B12 prescription-free.

Prescription For B12 Shots: Good Luck
All over the world, and especially in the US, people are encountering big challenges in obtaining B12 shots, which are crucial for their day-to-day functioning. Most physicians simply refuse to prescribe B12 shots of good quality and enough quantity.
Take a look at some of the comments shared in our forum:
Was originally prescribed cynocobalamin. After the x4 weekly injections, I had to fight for a monthly prescription. But I developed autoimmune Hepatitis October 2021, which I feel was exacerbated by the synthetic B12. After I started treatment for the Hepatitis, I started injecting methylcobalamin. So far it has been working well. I’m lucky in the fact that I’m a registered nurse. I can’t imagine how people without the knowledge I have manage to get through this. I’ve read many stories of people suffering and trying to convince their doctors and medical team to listen. I have also been met with uneducated and medical professionals that don’t want to listen. This has only made me a better caregiver. I’ve only taken 2 injections with the B12 that you’ve sent me. I can already feel the difference. It is difficult to buy in the USA, and expensive.
Hi Regev, I’m so excited to try B12 injections and glad you sell the better, more absorbable, pure form (methylcobalamin) of B12. I’m using it for more energy and mental clarity. As a health advisor for the Life Extension Foundation for over 15 years I know the importance of B12 – especially for people over 50. Not too long after I turned 60 I noticed I was starting to feel weak and tired, had a hard time sleeping, had headaches all the time, low appetite (which is unusual for me as I’ve always had a strong appetite), have heart palpitations, felt light-headed at times, and just seem to have lost my zest to go out and do things. So I tried to convince my doctor to give me B12 shots, but she wouldn’t. Then I started taking sublingual methylcobalamin supplements and noticed (after a week of triple dosing!!) I started to feel a better, and all of those symptoms listed above seemed to improve a bit. Now I know I need B12 to really feel good. But finding pharm-grade, absorbable, methylcobalamin B12 shots without a prescription was difficult until I found your organization.
I’m in the USA and doctors here are reluctant to prescribe these shots unless there is a severe deficiency.
I have a background in biochemistry, but due to my brain having slowed down so drastically, it took me 3 months to figure out what was going on what should have taken me no more than 3 hours. I finally realized that my methylation processes were severely impaired and I ate a dozen eggs from my own chickens that day, and never had a hive again. Well, I realized I had become severely B12 deficient. At the time, I used lozenges to address this and literally used an entire bottle in one day. I got some transdermal patches and used those quite successfully for some years. Then my daughter sent me some methyl cobalamin shots and that was a lot more effective. I also started to treat my husband with B12….he has been a life long alcoholic, getting much better, but I know that B12 deficiency is an issue with him. And day before yesterday, a friend of mine told me how her husband, who had just had a heart bypass operation, was super pale and super angry all the time. I had noticed that B12 was very effective in reducing anger issues, especially in men. So I figured he was probably super anemic, was not eating and needed to build his blood back up. So I searched for a way to get injectable methyl cobalamin online. I have a farm and am quite competent in giving injections to my livestock. I even tried to get livestock methyl cobalamin, because I do have situations where B12 and iron injections become necessary. But a prescription was needed even for that! Anyhow, I found your website, searched some more, and came back to your website. I am very grateful that you are making this available.
There is a lot of corruption in Big Pharma. But methylcobalamin is NOT illegal in USA. You just have to get it compounded for you in a ‘wet compounding’ pharmacy (usually privately owned, not corporate). And you will need a prescription. So throw in the cost of a Doc visit. There are several in my state alone (Colorado), but only one that is ‘wet’ for injectables. AND—it is 5 doses for TWICE the price of the 33 doses available from good folks here at Order it from them here. Even with the (dirt cheap) saline and needle cost added, you are still way ahead.
As you have heard from many of your clients most MDs here in the states are only willing (or able) to prescribe B12 shots spaced far apart. I live in a rural part of Northern CA so it is not practical for me to travel to an MD as often as needed even if I could find one that was willing.
I was diagnosed with PA years ago and took cynaocobalamin injections for 30 years. My new insurance, an HMO and new doctor will not prescribe B-12 injections for me. She did a blood test that came back with the number of 640 and now will not even discuss PA with me. She insists I don’t have it. What can I do?
As you can see, there’s a big problem here. Well, then how can you get a prescription for B12 shots? Luckily, you no longer have to – because we’ve stepped in to help 😉
B12 Injections Without Prescription
We created PA Relief to raise awareness about the serious yet subtle nature of pernicious anemia and B12 deficiency. Our goal is to offer patients the chance for optimal treatment by providing unrestricted access to B12 shots, without the need for a prescription.
How do we do it?
We offer vials of methyl B12 in powder form. You’ll buy needles and saline separately (in a pharmacy, or online). By shipping our B12 without needles, there’s no clash with the new US regulations, which limit the selling of injectables. Once you get the vial, you’ll add the saline to it. When the B12 dissolves (within 2 hours), it will be ready to be injected using the syringes that you bought. That’s it! Simple, and effective.
So, do you need a prescription for B12 injections?
Not anymore 😉