How much does a B12 shot cost? Well, it depends on a number of factors:
What country are you from? Do you have a medical insurance? Do you plan to self-inject, or will you have a private doctor do it for you? Are you after methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin, the two native forms of B12, or the synthetic form cyanocobalamin? Your vitamin B12 injections price will be determined by these questions.
Without further ado, let’s have a look at your options.

Vitamin B12 Injections Price Range
How much is a B12 injection? Before we discuss prices, you should know that there are several forms of B12 available as injections. The most common ones, the ones you’re likely to find outside of hospitals, are methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin.
Methylcobalamin is an active, native form of B12 with distinct nerve-repairing properties and a superior absorption rate. Cyanocobalamin, in contrast, is an inactive, synthetic, slightly-toxic form of B12. In other words, not natural to mammals at all.
We cannot and will not recommend cyano B12 to anyone. Sure it’s cheap, but it comes with a hidden price. Your body must use a methylation reaction to cleave the cyanide molecule attached to it (that’s why it’s called cyano-cobalamin), and only then can it convert to one of the active forms. This is a demanding process for your body.
Always get methylcobalamin if you can.
B12 Methylcobalamin Injection Price
How much is a B12 shot then? Let’s look at your options:
- Private doctor. Expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $250 in private clinics. Per shot. If you need daily or weekly injections, it will add up quickly.
- An infusion clinic. Some clinics will drip methyl B12 directly into your veins (IV, or intravenously), but each visit will cost you anywhere from $100 to $500.ย
- Buy online and self-inject. In the US, new regulations by the FDA and the Board of Pharmacies have made it incredibly hard to sell B12 shots online. A physician now has to issue a prescription, and be licensed in the state where the customer buys from. As a result, online companies have doctors now prescribing the shots over the phone. The price, last we checked, was ~$150 for a 10mg vial, or ~$250 for a 50mg vial. These prices include a consultation call, the prescription, and shipping.
In general, be very careful with online providers who look questionable. Some companies sell unlicensed B12, with no documents behind it. We saw some generic B12 made in China, bought from and re-sold on different websites.
- Buy from us. Our readers suffer from pernicious anemia and need B12 shots for life. Because the prices above are far from affordable (especially when you need the shots daily), we partnered up with a lab in the UK and managed to come up with a sweet offer: $129 for a 40mg vial of pure, injectable methyl B12.
We are super excited about our vial, because your cost per injection will end up about $4. This is even less than the average cyanocobalamin injection price, which is around $5 at local US pharmacies. And with our vial, you’re getting superior, pharmaceutical-grade, pure methylcobalamin. This is unheard of.
Order Now
Unless you self-inject, your overall B12 injection cost will add up quickly if you need the shots on a regular basis. You’ll end up paying thousands of dollars a month. Your best option, therefore, is to self-inject. With our 40mg B12 vial, you’ll get a whole month worth of shots for $129, with a single methycobal injection price being just $4.
Huge difference ๐