It’s not only pernicious anemia patients who buy our injectable B12. We have many repeat customers with other diseases who benefit from methylcobalamin just as well. Not surprisingly, the most common question we get from both groups is, just how quickly do B12 shots work? Simply put, how soon do you feel less tired after a B12 injection?

Here’s our answer ๐
How Long For B12 Injections to Work?
We know how hard it is to suffer from a B12 deficiency. Small daily chores leave you sore and breathless. You have trouble remembering things. You’re always tired, and often find yourself having to take a nap. You’re truly sick of being sick. Even worse, people don’t understand why you’re so exhausted all the time. They can’t understand.
In other words, we can’t blame you for wanting the shots to take effect ASAP.
So, how long does it take for B12 injections to work? Well, people do seem to react differently. Some patients report a stark increase in energy within days, while others report slower progress. Here’s the most crucial thing to keep in mind:
Within the first 48-72 hours, the B12 shots will lead to a rapid increase of immature red blood cells (reticulocytes). Then, the gradual correction of anemia takes place.
However, full correction may take up to 3 months.
This is because methylcobalamin B12 acts on the bone marrow to normalize red blood cell formation. The life cycle of a red blood cell is 90 days, so you will not reach your optimal improvement until after 90 days, when all malformed red blood cells have died off. So, inject daily for three months, and only then gauge how you feel.
Knowing How Quickly B12 Shots Work…
Remember, developing a B12 deficiency can take years. Therefore, it shouldn’t surprise you that it takes a lot more than a day or two to fix a deficiency and correct its resulting anemia. Give the shots some time, and you’ll feel like a new person.
… Keep Injecting.
If you’re battling pernicious anemia or another type of severe B12 deficiency, remember that it is crucial to keep injecting. Besides the anemia, a prolonged lack of B12 could lead to serious neurological damage, even paralysis. By injecting daily, you’ll at least ensure that you won’t be getting worse. So, when can you expect B12 injections to start working? Give them at least 90 days, and then see how you feel.
Hopefully things will get better.