We have many repeat customers who self-inject regularly. As a result, we get new and exciting vitamin B12 injection reviews and testimonials all the time:

My wife has not had another migraine since she started on methylcobalamin
Just wanted to say that my wife is doing very well on the methylcobalamin we bought from you. She’d been on hydroxocobalamin for some years now because of chronic fatigue but since the brand she was taking became unavailable and she had to switch to Neo B12 they were giving her migraines and somehow their effectiveness was also not as desired. Thank you for providing this product. My wife has not had another migraine since she started on methylcobalamin. We are re-ordering so that we’ll have spare which we’ll leave in powder form until we are ready to use it as you suggest. Warm Regards, Mark.
Mark Schembri
Floriana, Malta
The service you provide covers the hugest gap in pharmaceutical
I am in the middle of my doctorate of chiropractic. I have been to every pharmacy in town and have never been treated so rudely in my lifetime. Even the physicians here are not comfortable prescribing vitamins and supplies. America is so upside down on their healthcare, it is insane. Well, where there’s a will there’s a way. I know I told you before, but the service you provide, covers the hugest gap in pharmaceutical, and is completely necessary to save peoples lives. I really appreciate this.
Courtney Stringer
Boiling Springs, South Carolina (USA)
Can’t describe it in any other way, other than perhaps something like going through Alzheimer’s in reverse
I have been wearing eyeglasses since the age of 11 with ever progressing year by year poorer vision. In just the last 10 days of daily Methyl-B12 injections, my visual acuity has sharpened tremendously and my headaches/sinus-pressure/ocular-pain is nearly gone. I no longer have “drooping curved vision” my left eye. For some parts of the day, I no longer need to wear eyeglasses anymore at all. While indeed I was “crazy” for 23+ years, I am no longer “crazy” with the combination of the Ketogenic Diet and the Methyl-B12 injections that has restored me. I have never been more sane in my life. And, more over, the physical improvements (vision, joint pain, etc.), I can say that I never knew the human body was supposed to feel like this. I have never known health, likely never known it, even since birth. It seems my baseline for health/pain was totally different than everyone else. What I have gone through with this Ketogenic Diet and Methyl-B12 injections, I can’t describe it in any other way, other than perhaps something like going through Alzheimer’s in reverse.
Texas (USA)
You are the Batman of B12, giving people hope that regular people can get what they need in spite of the status quo medical mafia
THANK YOU for being a straight-forward, DIY resource for those of us who have to be on this for the rest of our lives. I hate not being able to take care of my own health and it kills me to be dependent on a doctor who doesn’t even know what she is prescribing me. Loss of health insurance and covid has made access issues all the worse. You are the Batman of B12, giving people hope that regular people can get what they need in spite of the status quo medical mafia. If for any reason you can’t continue to supply the world, I hope you can secretly pass it on to a Robin to continue your work. After 25 years of taking this cyano shit, I’m really really excited to be able to do this myself. Again, THANK YOU.
Becky Stella
Austin, Texas (USA)
Treatment with your Methyl-B12 so far appears to be very effective
For more than 10 years: consistent borderline low WBC & RBC, borderline high MCV & MCH. That indicated poor red blood cell production, and those that were produced were malformed and had short life spans. Finally, a doctor tested for “Intrinsic Factor Anti-body”, which prevents B12 absorption. Result was positive. Diagnosis: Pernicious anemia/B12 deficiency. Oral & even IM treatment with Cyano-B12 were ineffective, but IM treatment with your Methyl-B12 so far appears to be very effective.
Michael Webber
Downers Grove, Illinois (USA)
It’s a life-saving and life-changing gift from the B12 Gods
I was a wreck before I discovered your website and your reliable source of methylcobalamin. The ability to purchase and inject good quality B12 has been a total game changer in my life!!! I am doing so much better now. I am also grateful for all the information that you provide to educate people about PA. Keep up the fantastic work you do and know that you are making a huge difference in many people’s lives !!! You most definitely changed my life. I was diagnosed with optic neuritis in 1999. I was completely blind in one eye for 28 days until slowly my vision started to return. At that time, I was informed that I most likely had MS. For the next 16 years I was told that there is no other logical explanation for symptoms other than MS but never got a firm MS diagnosis. It was endless brain MRI’s & neurological tests that never panned out for a firm diagnosis. I was sent to various neurologists for evaluation. One of which referred me to the UCFS Multiple Sclerosis Center in San Francisco. I was evaluated there about 15 times. Again, no firm diagnosis. During 2015, I had my second attack of optic neuritis but this time my vision was permanently damaged. I lost about 40% of my vision which I’ve never recovered from. It wasn’t until 2019 or 2020 during my last evaluation at the UCSF Multiple Sclerosis Center that I finally got my B 12 level checked. Bingo !!! Mr Otto, you do not have MS !!! You do however have pernicious anemia & all of your symptoms are caused by that. No need to come back to UCSF ever again. I got a prescription for Cyanocobalamin and had a nurse teach me how to inject into my leg with a one inch needle every twenty one days. I stayed the course for months but was not improving and not feeling much better. Then, after researching PA & trying to find answers to my failing health I hit pay-dirt !!! Your website and all the information listed there was my holy grail !!! It’s all laid out so beautifully and easy to understand. I immediately placed my first order for Methylcobalamin and started injections. All was going great and I started feeling better. I had my annual physical & bloodwork done. My physician freaked out that my B 12 levels were off the charts & to stop my daily injections immediately !!! Following those directions sent me back to horrible fatigue & my old symptoms returned. I have since gotten a new physician & we have exchanged pleasantries about B 12 blood work. It’s not a misunderstanding anymore. I’m now injecting daily & haven’t felt this good in years !!! 😆 I struggle to find the words to express my gratitude for all that you do. It’s a life-saving and life-changing gift from the B12 Gods. Thank You for your kindness & support !!! I am forever grateful !!!
Thomas Otto
Redding, California (USA)
Have had a dramatic improvement
I’ve been injecting Methylcobalamin now for about 5 weeks and have had a dramatic improvement in what I thought was chronic fatigue and memory/focus issues. I’ve enjoyed your site and am sharing it with anyone that will listen.
George Shelley
Clovis, California (USA)
The shots are giving me a great mood and a sense of calmness
Since starting your B12 I’m feeling great! Levels turned from very low to very high. I no longer faint (ambulance had to take me to the emergency room a couple of times in the past). My vision no longer goes black. I used to be very weak, my entire body used to hurt (especially the lower back and arm), but not anymore. The shots are giving me a great mood and a sense of calmness.
Ayala Cohen
Tirat Carmel, Israel
I’ve basically come alive again
So relieved and grateful your service exists! Finally a place where I can buy b12 injections online. I’ve received the order, I’m glad it got through customs, because I was worried about that. I’ve managed to find a sterile saline solution and started my b12 supplementation. I already feel a lot more like myself. I’ve basically come alive again. Thank you so much!
Juan Gutierrez
Redlands, California (USA)
You’re making a difference
Thank you, Regev, I appreciate your efficiency. You’ve kept me going for a couple of years now. I don’t know why (nor could my doctors figure it out) but around five years ago at age 60 my body apparently stopped absorbing B12 through my digestive system. I ate (and still eat) plenty of B12 rich foods (fish, meat, eggs) but at the end of 2017 I began developing serious symptoms of pernicious anemia (though I wasn’t sure at the time). Over a few weeks in Nov-Dec 2017 I manifested symptoms of fatigue, weakness, severe night sweats, erratic high and low blood pressure, headaches and chest pain (one time so bad I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack). In the following months these deteriorated into problems with balance and motor function, numbness in arms and legs, and even delusions and hallucinations. It was crazy. I finally found a doc who tried B12 injections. He started with three 1000mcg over the course of a week, but then only one a week, then one every two weeks. I began to improve immediately in the first week and told him so but the idiot was a conventional doctor who refused to give me adequate amounts. Also, being a typical mainstream doctor, he didn’t have a clue about injections… he was doing 25 gauge 1.5″ intramuscular! OUCH! My symptoms came back and I found another doc who put me on daily injections of 1000mcg. The worst symptoms gradually faded out but it took a few months to get closer to normal. I don’t know if I permanently damaged my nerves but things are much better now. That doc closed his practice which is when I found you. With your formula I take 3 or 4 injections a week… 32 gauge with 5/16 needle in my belly and don’t even feel them. Keep up your great work. You’re making a difference, thank you, Kent.
Kent Davis
Palmetto, Florida (USA)
You guys are saints
In the beginning I had a lot of questions and Aviv is excellent in his customer support. I’m doing so much better than I was before B12 shots – I couldn’t even get above 100 pounds in weight, 3 years after an illness that had me down to 80 lbs. I am now 115 pounds, my usual weight. I have had good results, but I think it will be a while for me to get closer to normal as I have so many autoimmune problems, but getting better all the time is amazing even in smaller increments. Thank you so much for all your support, without you I would never be able to attain great health again, I don’t know how it works in heaven, but you guys are saints, I know you have helped others tremendously, telling the truth. That is really special these days.
Dhyanna Goulet
Waterboro, Maine (USA)
This is a company you can trust
I just wanted to say the customer support has been absolutely great. There was a mixup in the shipping, which was entirely PayPal’s fault, which the order went to the wrong address and was delivered. So it was lost. They didn’t hesitate to resend the order. They’ve answered all of my questions in a very timely manner and I couldn’t expect any better service than they have offered. This is a company you can trust and I think they truly care about their customers.
Jesse Coble
Akron, Ohio (USA)
Without exaggerating I can say you saved my life
I have been injecting every day since I received my order–some three months now, and I am ready to re-order. The injections have been incredible! Doctors here (state of Maryland, USA) are required to follow the “standard of care”–not just for PA, but for any condition that has an established standard of care. I don’t know if this is a national thing, or a State of Maryland thing, but the PA standard of care was not at all–I repeat!–not at all helpful for me. It consists of a WEEKLY (full syringe) injection of cobalamin. I may as well have been doing nothing at all, as this protocol was useless for me. You literally have saved my life! I have developed a distressing series of Hashimoto’s symptoms that have been challenging. I understand this is often the case for folks with PA. Were it not for your B12, protocol, I certainly would not be able to manage the thyroid issues. I hope things are well with you. Without exaggerating I can say you saved my life. Thank you beyond words!
Ann Kirby
Nottingham, MD (USA)
Twice your price for only 5 shots!
Dear Regev, thank for your work to educate us. I am hopeful all you’ve enlightened me about may mean a diagnosis at last . I have ordered a kit from you! I am in the USA, Colorado. I had begun with cyanocobalamin, which I didn’t trust, but it was all my Doc had. I was in very bad shape so began shots every 2 days or so. By the 4th shot I had splitting headache (which I never get) and had to stop. So I am trying to avoid those shots — but I go 4 days without them and despite oral B12, feel my usual symptoms growing worse. I am able to get a USA compounding pharmacy to make me methylcobalamin — it is just twice your price for only 5 shots!!! Thank you, and blessings on you and your team. I appreciate your courage. Warmly, Loraine.
Loraine Masterton
Longmont, Colorado (USA)
You’ve given me my sanity back
The B12 shots are really helping me. I feel like you cured my insomnia and for that I don’t know how to say thank-you. You’ve given me my sanity back. I’ve been referring everyone I know to your company, not even just sick people. I feel like a lot of people could benefit from your product. People tend to get scared at the needle aspect but I tell them it’s nothing, I barely feel it! And the pay out is so much more! Thank you for everything 🥺 if you are ever in the Bay Area, let me know so I can cook you dinner ❤️ Thank you 🙏
Courtney Stalley
San Mateo, CA (USA)
Don’t ever stop providing this life saving vitamin!
I began injecting 3 weeks ago tomorrow. Honestly, today is the best I have felt. It has been a terrible road dealing with doctors. I have seen 11 doctors and the only b12 test they will give me is the serum. I have requested a methylmalonic and homocysteine test. They tell me they do not do those tests. I requested a test for intrinsic factor or pernicious anaemia but they insist the serum test is sufficient. My serum tests were all over the place from low to high therefore I do not feel that they were accurate. My Grandfather died in 1986 of a “blood disorder”. This is what his doctor called it. He had a lot of my symptoms. He would tell me how is legs just couldn’t carry him anymore. I asked his doctor if he had leukemia and he told me no. He could never give the blood disorder a name. They gave him blood transfusions every couple of months. Then they gradually increased to three/week. My Grandfather withered away. I wish I knew then what I know now. I was just 20 years old back then. I fear he and I are one in the same. I have never been so frustrated in all of my life as I am today. The only thing one of my doctors discovered is that I am D deficient. They discovered that in my basic CBC bloodwork. They have done MRIS, colonoscopy and endoscopy, and nerve testing which were all fine. One doctor thinks I have corpal tunnel so he injected my wrists with steroids. Another doctor of the 11 doctors offered me cymbalta for pain. Even the pharmacist said Cymbalta is not used to treat pain! This is just a glimpse of what I have been up against. I began doing my own research convinced I was probably going to die if I didn’t get some answers and help quickly. That’s when I found you Regev!!! And I thank God that I did! I am finally beginning to feel a little relief. My hands, lower arms, and lower legs are getting better everyday. I’m not constantly feeling like an electronic circuit board anymore. My ankles are not as weak as they were. I feel as though my muscles are coming back to me slowly each day. The tachycardia seems to have stopped. I’m praying that I will eventually feel healthy again. Maybe my digestive issues will get better over time?.. I just want you to know that I probably would have withered away just like my Grandpa if it weren’t for you Regev. Please don’t ever stop providing this life saving vitamin!!! I can not imagine how many people out there who are just like me? I am not sure if doctors are undereducated or if “big pharma “ has something to do with the lack of treatment for people like me? Please forgive me for “bending your ear”. I just want you to know how desperate I became. Again… Thank you from the bottom of my heart… you saved my life!!!
Angela Lee
Laurel, MS (USA)
The chance to be alive and exist
Hello Regev Elya. Thank you for the wonder service you provide to give us disadvantaged humans the chance to be alive and exist. You are to be commended. Be rest assured the most high God will bless you for your good work.
Victoria Robles
Haverstraw, New York (USA)
Nerve damage is healing
Hello, I am loving your B12 and my nerve damage is healing!
Montrece Bogle
Vancouver, WA (USA)
The B12 helps me beyond belief
Hello Regev😊 The B12 helps me beyond belief, thank you for your help and the B12 is excellent. I feel so much better and have energy! Thank you!! I’ll be ordering again soon.
Debra Holland
Seminole, FL (USA)
It is amazing the difference it has made in my life
I have been injecting everyday with the B12. It is amazing the difference it has made in my life. Unbelievable that it is so hard to get a doctor to understand what the patient really needs. Thank you so much for your help. God bless you.
Jannet Shamblen
Leon, WV (USA)
Your B12 works!
Thank you Regev, you may be the only person in the world offering such a lifesaving service! I did more research on the internet on B12 deficiency and finally found this website. It looked too good to be true (I am naturally skeptical), and I was worried it could actually be a scam, but I was desperate so I ordered 6 months worth of your B12 powder. I followed your injection instructions to the letter. I have been injecting now once a day in the morning precisely following your injection instructions. I have also included oral folate supplements, probiotics and have expanded my diet (but still excluding caffeine, alcohol and sugar). I am happy to say that your B12 works! My neurological symptoms have finally completely resolved after 2 ½ months of injecting. I gained back my weight and my constipation is gone. I also finally got my GI workup which included endoscopy/colonoscopy and biopsies and everything was normal. No atrophic gastritis. No celiac disease. I know other people on this website may have other causes for their B12 problem, but I want you to know that Regev’s B12 powder AND his comprehensive information and instructions work! Thank you again Regev.
Mike Laam
Grants Pass, OR (USA)
It has been a lifesaver
Hi Regev, first I want to say you are a light in a very dark place. I have been ordering the B12 from you for my adult daughter for over a year now. I do believe it has been a lifesaver.
Linda Keating
Miami, FL (USA)
It’s working and I am thrilled
It’s amazing the difference in my fatigue level. Most days I don’t need a nap. The tingling is gone. Memory issues are improved, concentration is better as well. So, it’s working and I am thrilled. I see a new Doc at the end of the month where I’m sure I’ll get blood work. Regular Docs here in the US do not lean towards B12 for pernicious anemia. I am so glad I found you to keep my dignity intact.
Annette Brodeur
Windsor, CT (USA)
This is a life changer for me
The order arrived safely and I’m very happy with it. I did my first injection almost 2 weeks ago, and I feel great. Thank you for this option, to not have to argue with a doctor. Thank you thank you. I have gotten injections for almost 2 years, but I have to fight for it every month. The difference is astounding and this means I have it, without needing to pay to prove it. This is a life changer for me. I was worried it wasn’t real, but I feel the difference! Just thank you, from the bottom of my heart. A simple vitamin shouldn’t be so hard to get.
Tabitha Conliffe
Canton, OH (USA)
Significant reduction in inflammation
I am taking the shots and am noticing a significant reduction in inflammation. So thank you.
Dana Wagnon
Roswell, GA (USA)
I feel so much better!
I finally surpassed my 90 days!!! I am much better than I was 90 days ago. The doctors here in Mississippi are only good for treating sore throat and a UTI… and that’s only due to the fact that their computers tell them how to treat those! I will tell you this Regev… in January of 2021 I thought I was going to die! I may not be 100% yet but I no longer feel as though I am dying… I feel so much better! I am working on my digestion. I am taking L Glutamine, Lysine, L Methylfolate, and B6. It seems to be making a difference. I am determined to get my health back this year! I printed the diet from your website and find it extremely helpful! I will continue to inject because there is NO WAY I can fall backwards! Honestly I would be in a very bad way if it was not for you. I am determined to continue moving forward!
Angela Lee
Laurel, MS (USA)
Busy leading the life that I was meant to live
I feel so much better. I started my injections in late December. I haven’t written to tell you because I have been too busy leading the life that I was meant to live. For the last decade I have been relegated to being sluggish! Anyhow, the shipments were great and the product is amazing. God bless you.
Laura Johnson
Chesterfield, MO (USA)
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