Struggling to find where to buy saline for injection?
Look no further.
Our American readers have had problems sourcing injectable saline for their B12 self-injection home kits, as U.S. pharmacies require a prescription for something as simple as water and salt. Well, for the injectable version, at least.
In truth, there’s little difference between injectable saline and non-injectable saline. Saline companies have to undergo an expensive endotoxin test to obtain the “Injectable Saline” label, and many of them just won’t do it. Bottom line, saline is saline, and as long as it meets the required concentration – in our case 0.9%, which mimics the body’s salinity – it’ll be effective. Just ensure it is sterile and preservative-free.
However, if you want to play it safe, you can still go for the “injectable” label. So, where can you buy sterile saline solution for injection? We now offer packs of 10ml of injectable saline from the highly-reputable German brand B. Braun:

Order Injectable Saline
To avoid confusion, keep in mind that if you had also ordered our injectable B12, it will come separate from the saline, because the two ship from different countries. Also note, the cost includes worldwide shipping, which significantly raises the overall price. If you can somehow source injectable saline locally, it will be cheaper for you.
Injectable Saline (100 x 10ml)
100 vials of B.Braun’s sterile saline solution for injection, for those who need larger quantities. $250- In stock
- 100% Sterile
- Preservative Free
- Injectable Label
- Worldwide Shipping Included

Injectable Saline (12 x 10ml)
12 vials of B.Braun’s sterile saline solution for injection, enough for 1 year of our daily B12 shots. $35- In stock
- 100% Sterile
- Preservative Free
- Injectable Label
- Worldwide Shipping Included

Why Choose Sterile Saline For Injection Over Sterile Water?
Why use saline water for injection and not just regular sterile water? After all, the latter is much easier to get. There are numerous reasons:
100% Money-Back Guarantee
If you want to return the saline for whatever reason, simply mail it back to us and we’ll refund you.

In Summary
Our readers from the U.S. have been experiencing difficulties finding injectable saline. We stepped in, and you can now order it through us. The benefits of sterile saline versus sterile water for injection use, are less likelihood of pain or cellular damage, higher electrolyte balance, and the better absorption of B12 and other injectables.
All the best.